17 November 2010

Birthday gift from beloved hubster!


a box with lovely ribbon on it?

wonder what's inside..

omg! it's a necklace!

it's a juicer!

apa lagi kan? terus ke pasaraya yg terdekat beli buah2an!
ready to enjoy some fresh juice!
bley la blend strawberry n blueberry! great combination!
weck plak sangat suka honeydew juice!

weee... thank you so much hub for replace the necklace!


Deqna said...

happy belated birthday:)

dah bersalin ke belum nie? take care..

Anonymous said...

is it too late? hepy belated besday miss weck! meriahnya hadiah... dapat necklace lagi... :)) semoga bahagia selalu... amin...

Miss B said...

mrs deqna : tima kaseh sbb sudi gak wish kita..hehe..alhamdulillah..dah selamat melahirkan..huhu..

Miss B said...

rizwan sweetheart : tq for the wishes..huhu.. alhamdulillah..rezeki agaknya..moga kita smua dilimpahi rezeki yg x putus2 olehNYA..amin.

topic yg lepas

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