guess this will be my 3rd time to share a beauty tips with u oll..
~hohoho.. (bunyik mcm santa clause ms hari kismas..)**hehe..
Ekceli aku tgh xde idea nk update apa sebenarnye..sbb xde xtvt ms hari mggu lalu.. except mlm sabtu,aku balik uma dlm kul 2am (lebey kuang..)
gi layan board n card game session kat subang.. (aku,yazlin,feisal,weck,n apis) uhuks.. i'm a loser! kalah dlm suma game..haha.. tapi aku still tgh nk cari tips n tricks dlm game CLUEDO.. guys out there yg suka game ni,jom join for the next game session.. sesambil tu bleh bkenalan!
okey arr i hope kali ni akn bg y'oll some usefull information.. ngeh2..enjoy!! if got any question,don't hesitate to ask me!! huhu..
![look mirror](
pic 1 ~ lepas bersihkan muka,pakai cream base dulu if xde, guna je krim pelembab yg slalu
korang pakai..then baru calitkan liquid foundation.
: Utk samarkn parut2 kt muka,tahi lalat ke apa ke..
pic 2 ~ lepas tu buh loose powder plak..
pic 3 ~ then bleh laa anda calitkan eyeshadow,dan oleh kerana kita nk wt ala2 barbie,
of course laa kne guna waner pink soft pd kedua2 kelopak mata..
pic 4 ~ next aku tunjuk mata yg da siap dicalitkan dgn eyeliner,aku rasa xperlu tunjuk,
sbb dlm entry lepas aku da tunjuk kat u'olls..
pic 5 ~ kt kening plak,guna pencil eyebrow,utk kening lebih kemas n teratur..
pic 6 ~ Apply mascara,utk bulu mata anda nmpak lebey gorgeous!
pic 7 ~ then,guna la compact powder untuk kemasan terakhir pd kulit wajah.
pic 8 ~ Oleskan pipi anda dgn blusher waner pink soft jugak agar pipi anda nmpak sweet je..
pic 9 ~ Utk lips plak,aku nk saran kan korang guna lipstick color 'nude'..
trust me,mmg comey kaler cmni.. if nk sapu clear lip gloss pun cun gak.
pic 10 ~ Tat..tat..tadaaa.. gayakan rambut anda sama ada ikat atau lepas..
Additional corner :![that\'s all folks](
>>Tahukah anda sesetengah lelaki,tau yg kita 'period',walau kita x bg tau diorg..
rahsianya adalah melalui bulu kening.. during period time,
kening kita akan jd mcm bersepah2..
>> My Mr weck always use to call lipstick as "LIPTICK" isn't that sounds funny!
korang pakai..then baru calitkan liquid foundation.
: Utk samarkn parut2 kt muka,tahi lalat ke apa ke..
pic 2 ~ lepas tu buh loose powder plak..
pic 3 ~ then bleh laa anda calitkan eyeshadow,dan oleh kerana kita nk wt ala2 barbie,
of course laa kne guna waner pink soft pd kedua2 kelopak mata..
pic 4 ~ next aku tunjuk mata yg da siap dicalitkan dgn eyeliner,aku rasa xperlu tunjuk,
sbb dlm entry lepas aku da tunjuk kat u'olls..
pic 5 ~ kt kening plak,guna pencil eyebrow,utk kening lebih kemas n teratur..
pic 6 ~ Apply mascara,utk bulu mata anda nmpak lebey gorgeous!
pic 7 ~ then,guna la compact powder untuk kemasan terakhir pd kulit wajah.
pic 8 ~ Oleskan pipi anda dgn blusher waner pink soft jugak agar pipi anda nmpak sweet je..
pic 9 ~ Utk lips plak,aku nk saran kan korang guna lipstick color 'nude'..
trust me,mmg comey kaler cmni.. if nk sapu clear lip gloss pun cun gak.
pic 10 ~ Tat..tat..tadaaa.. gayakan rambut anda sama ada ikat atau lepas..
Additional corner :
![that\'s all folks](
>>Tahukah anda sesetengah lelaki,tau yg kita 'period',walau kita x bg tau diorg..
rahsianya adalah melalui bulu kening.. during period time,
kening kita akan jd mcm bersepah2..
>> My Mr weck always use to call lipstick as "LIPTICK" isn't that sounds funny!