Assalamualaikum wbt. Sobahul Khair..(selamat pagi)
Khaifa haluki[/ka]? (apa khabar)
Wahh..nak layan bahasa arab pulak pagi2 ni.. hehe.. (sangat la gediks..)

though i'm a breastfeed mother, it is not easy for me to keep maintains on supply and demand. Breastfeeding is just about as natural as it gets. For this reason, many new moms may feel discouraged if they don’t find that it comes naturally. They may think they are unable to breastfeed and give up before they ever really give it a good chance. Yeah, there are some circumstances that make breastfeeding difficult, if not impossible, but there are plenty of breastfeeding tips that can help you get over these hurdles and give your baby the very best nutrition possible for as long as possible.
7 months and 2nd weeks breastfeeding journey.. (target to achieve: 2nd and half year BF my son) AAD (Ahmad Adam Danial) before planning to have another bro/sis for him. *wink :P