Okay its another bibik in the house.
Around 47 years old. Memiliki 7 org anak (ada yang dah berkahwin dan yang paling kecil sekali, 11 tahun. Been working almost 2 weeks. Kerja okay, kemas..jaga anak2 okay. Cuma memasak saja yg x di suruh oleh mama. But lately, dia cuba cari alasan utk balik kenegara asal. Alasan : PREGNANT! As i knw, she did mention husband dia mninggal akibat kencing manis. How come?? she claimed tht she has been rape! GEEESSHHH!!
Parents in law (PIL) took her to the nearest clinic last night. And the docs said, she's not!
Tis morning mama told us, "dia nak balik negara dia, thats why she's create problems"
Me : okay, let her be laa. But PERGI BALIK SENDIRI!!
#she reasoned that the circumstances at the time were reasonable.