11 November 2009

1 month to go..shall i scream now??

Btw i'm actually in a panic situation..

should i be panicking? yup! I've only have less than 1 month to set up all those wedding preparation..(*sigh*)

Takuuuutttttt!!!! sbb banyak lg yg tergendala,

1- kad kawen x final draft! (patutnya sudah diedar2 kn)
2- goody bag n door gift x beli lg! choc yg dibeli di langkawi kelmarin da abis dimakan wharrrgghh..
3- bunga manggar blom beli lg!
4- Tak apply leave lg! nak cuti kawennnn..bizi..bizi..bizi..
5- kompang - x booking lg
6- PA system x booking lg!
7- tissue box,hand towel..

gosh! what happen to me?? am i lost my mind?? ini bukan perkara gurauan! huhuhu..(*gelak buat2..padahal mmg seriously panicked*) errrggghhh..mati la cenggini!

ok! let's plan what to do first! tarik nafas lega bila otakku dgn tiba2 berfikir secara rasional yg semua ni still bleh di manage-kan. Ok here's the plan :

lepas ni..

1-beli all candy or jellies for the kids gift.
2-beli sedozen kerepek kat masjid jamek!
3-bli small plastic bag for krepek.
4-next week balik kg ngan my fiance untuk penyerahan cheque hantaran aku di depan my parents,then on the way back tu singgah nilai 3 beli apa yg patut. (legaa skit..)
5-apply leave- on next monday,sbb mggu ni agak bizi je manjang!
6-call ayah suh booking kompang.

Tell u what,yesterday my dad arguing abt the canopy. Aku dah byr deposit untuk canopy kat Encik A.. but then my dad suruh booking kat my sedara di melaka,huh! apakahh??? so..tpaksa laa ikut kata org tua demi nak jaga hati mereka.. huhuhu..sedihh aku! sabo je la!


Cik Siti Hajar said...


yg paling penting...
amek cti tu..
x apply lg..

Miss B said...

hehe..tu arr pasal..x bleh amik mudah je kan! thanks cik adik butterfly comey!

topic yg lepas

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