here we go again.. 1973
29 July 2011
28 July 2011
ke KLIA airport
Check in 2 hours before depart. Tapi kitorang lepak dan berkampung kat airport sesama kaum kerabat weck, termasuk para jemaah yg lain.. mmg syok..sampai aku leka layan i-pad tak perasan aku abaikan si comel bryan adams! kekeke.. :8)
dah turun escalator tuk check in sampai sini je bole nengok.. setelah berpeluk sakan dan mengirim doaku pada in law..

ni pic dlm keta dgn budak ucukk ni..

dia dah pandai gedik depan camera! bila aku ckp 'senyumm' jaa..
dia buat mata cenggini! -sebab dia ingat aku pakai flash tiap kali amik gambo!

lil bryan adams yg sangat 'banyak akal'..krkrkr..

tgk la tuhh..ade je yg dia nk buat..ish3..
26 July 2011
Happy 8 monthsary my dear Bryan Adams!
Yeay! dah 8 bulan..sekejap je masa berlalu.. dlm pada tu, aku still tgk pic dia masa masih baby lagi.. hehe..happy sgt rasanya. Tibanya masa lasak dan lasak yg sakan. Nasib baik la aku mmg suka kanak2 since aku blom kawen lagi aku jaga anak abg dan akak aku.. tiba masa aku plak, xde la timbul "tak pandai atau kekok" tuk jaga baby atau kanak2.. Maka dgn itu juga la hari yg ke 25 aku berpantang, aku dah balik rumah sendiri tuk menguruskan diri dan baby!
Korang layan la latest pic yg buruk kualiti ni..(taken by my BlackBerry Onyx 9700)
wedding event kedua2 adik ipar serentak
(click pic to enlarge) -aku & lil bryan adams sedondon!
**oh dah tanggal suar dia sbb panas!

Deuter kid comfort II! Weck refuse nk beli ini sempena
travel ke sabah again Oct ni! malas nak tolak stroller la tuh!

Dinner with family weck. Alhamdulillah.. weck dpt 'bonus' drpd
baba in law.. bila kompeni nk bg bonus aku plak..?? adeii..

mcm org besar! depan mata dia tu LCD tv 32 inch mama in law!
gusi gatai..nak hongges ape yg ade..krkrkr..
Pagi td si comel ni waving kat aku lepas aku kucup kening dia
seperti biasa sebelum ke office. so mcm x terkejut sgt! *maybe kebetulan
pastu weck kucup dahi dia..sambil lambai pada dia..Serta merta dia angkat lengan
sambil balas lambaian kami! OMG! mmg impress gila!
*ade DSLR tapi guna hp camera! krkrkrkr..
19 July 2011
"Contest Anak Senyum By Mamalurveirfan"
My son dah nak masuk 8 bulan! Kejap ke kan? Skrg ni tgh lasak dan giat memanjat jeriji pintu atau baby cot dia. Sesekali bila dia jatuh tertumuih muka di lantai, kelakar pun ada..takut pun ada..hehe. Kami sekeluarga amat berhati2 la dgn stage dia waktu ni. Mama in law la yg paling alert and beware sesangat ttg my son and fatin (anak kak ipar) maklum la family in law ada dua budak kecik ni je yg harus dijaga so far.
Now tgh mood cantik nk join contest by mamalurveirfan.
dialah penguat semangatku
dialah kebahagiaanku..
Nama : Ahmad Adam Danial
Umur : 7months 3weeks
Mother name: Ainiladly Abdullah
nak tag :
Mrs Puex
07 July 2011
Main mekap2 adik ipar part #001
sekitar majlis pernikahan (sabtu) 2.July.2011
my son demam campak dikala ini..
(didokong oleh maid) meragam 24 jam.
edisi touch up mana sempat kat my MIL (mother in law)
berpeluh2 beliau dikala ini..hehe
2 pengantin, yg tepi skali tu still study di UPSI
*(adik last kompem wedding of the year nnt..hehe..)
trim sikit mana yg serabut..
eyes job
in the making..
pakai brooch..
candid! ka' chak!
get ready to be 'wife'
to be continued..
05 July 2011
Anak Kembar Sazzy Falak
Suka tgk anak dia..satu kecik sikit..satu debab. Hehee..
Sazzy pun menten cantek..
hehe..curlassss kau mariaa!
Hasben dia pun menten hensem nyah! :P
Perjuanganku masih belum sempurna
Assalamualaikum wbt. Sobahul Khair..(selamat pagi)
Khaifa haluki[/ka]? (apa khabar)
Wahh..nak layan bahasa arab pulak pagi2 ni.. hehe.. (sangat la gediks..)

though i'm a breastfeed mother, it is not easy for me to keep maintains on supply and demand. Breastfeeding is just about as natural as it gets. For this reason, many new moms may feel discouraged if they don’t find that it comes naturally. They may think they are unable to breastfeed and give up before they ever really give it a good chance. Yeah, there are some circumstances that make breastfeeding difficult, if not impossible, but there are plenty of breastfeeding tips that can help you get over these hurdles and give your baby the very best nutrition possible for as long as possible.
7 months and 2nd weeks breastfeeding journey.. (target to achieve: 2nd and half year BF my son) AAD (Ahmad Adam Danial) before planning to have another bro/sis for him. *wink :P
Khaifa haluki[/ka]? (apa khabar)
Wahh..nak layan bahasa arab pulak pagi2 ni.. hehe.. (sangat la gediks..)

though i'm a breastfeed mother, it is not easy for me to keep maintains on supply and demand. Breastfeeding is just about as natural as it gets. For this reason, many new moms may feel discouraged if they don’t find that it comes naturally. They may think they are unable to breastfeed and give up before they ever really give it a good chance. Yeah, there are some circumstances that make breastfeeding difficult, if not impossible, but there are plenty of breastfeeding tips that can help you get over these hurdles and give your baby the very best nutrition possible for as long as possible.
7 months and 2nd weeks breastfeeding journey.. (target to achieve: 2nd and half year BF my son) AAD (Ahmad Adam Danial) before planning to have another bro/sis for him. *wink :P
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