sory ar kalau aku x slalu nak update my routine story.. bese arr kadang2 aku sibuk gak dgn menda x berfaedah,jalan2 xda destinasi..huhu..
so straight 2 de' point la k..
16 hari bulan ari tu mmg xjangka yg aku akan gi terengganu ngan my boo..itu pun sebab dia ada Assessment for PTD, aku worried sgt pasal di gi sana driving soang2,then if anything happen? xkan aku nak nangis je kot..
(simpang malaikat 44..) so, aku lepak kat umah mak sedara aku je arr,my boo gi kursus PTD dia spanjang 3 hari.. spanjang aku kat umah mak sedara aku mcm2 yg aku wat,gi lawat kebun pak sedara aku,visit trengganu traditional house,then yg paling x leh lupa taim aku tangkap kucing liar yg comel2 belaka..(ingat nak keep laa..) at the end,the kucin'2 skalian telah berjaya escaped.. cam butuh! brengsect! wakaka.. tapi beliau mninggalkan kesan kat tgn aku,sempat cakau tuh.. dapat aku 2 das.. pangkat sarjan kot ?
My boo..balik hari ahadnya..then x sempat aku nak tunjuk anak2 angkat aku kat dia.. tapi sure dia x sebulu dgn arr,bila aku sms bg tau ttg pkara tu jer..dia tuduh aku curi anak orang.. btapa hancur luluhnya hati aku bila baginda lemparkan tohmahan itu..
then hari isnin sblum aku bambus dari ganu,aku gi kenyir dulu,then balik pada jam 3 ptgnya..
sampai KL dalam kul 8.. (rsa mcm x percaya yg aku travel dgn dia.. tapi itu adalah kenangan aku dgn dia.. makin syg sehhh...)
since mlm ni mlm jumaat and xda menda nak wat,ingat nak mandi wajib..pastu nak baca yassin untuk arwah ibu aku.. okey lah aku chow..dulu.. daa..
22 May 2008
07 May 2008
hari bosan
hari ni aku just banyak mlepak je kat umah sebab along nga fazi x keje..saje gedik2 katanya..
mlm je aku terkejut sbb tiba2 wan dtg umah then duk seblah aku.. happy nyer..
ingat kan hari ni dia x datang.. hhuhu,dah lah aku x mandi lagik..
-mmg ada sikit crisis dgn dia.. tapi tak lah,menggugat sampai aku nak clash dgn dia..
alhamdulillah arr sebab aku dai mmg ikhlas mencintai aku,bukan bersebab..tapi dia mmg honest and loyal..mmg dah luck aku..dalam masa yg singkat je aku dah kenal dia ngan parents n siblings dia.. also the whole of his family..
-lastly aku nak bg tau yg aku mmg bahagia dgn hubgn aku dgn Wan.. kejap je ms blalu..hubgn ni pun dah nak sampai 2 thn..haha..aku bahagia.. bahagia sgt..he's the one!!
mlm je aku terkejut sbb tiba2 wan dtg umah then duk seblah aku.. happy nyer..
ingat kan hari ni dia x datang.. hhuhu,dah lah aku x mandi lagik..
-mmg ada sikit crisis dgn dia.. tapi tak lah,menggugat sampai aku nak clash dgn dia..
alhamdulillah arr sebab aku dai mmg ikhlas mencintai aku,bukan bersebab..tapi dia mmg honest and loyal..mmg dah luck aku..dalam masa yg singkat je aku dah kenal dia ngan parents n siblings dia.. also the whole of his family..
-lastly aku nak bg tau yg aku mmg bahagia dgn hubgn aku dgn Wan.. kejap je ms blalu..hubgn ni pun dah nak sampai 2 thn..haha..aku bahagia.. bahagia sgt..he's the one!!
05 May 2008
it's all about 2day..
>>bgn pagi dlm kul 8,itu pun kira awal bagi aku.. selalunya aku kna bangun ku 12 baru la cukup titun.. wakaka..hari ni aku breakfast kat McD ngan abg aku.. xceli dia x tau jalan jalan kat cheras ni, tadi pun aku yg guide dia gi McD terdekat..
>>sekarang kitorang tgh melepak kat hall,tgk CSI..mmg la bosan bg aku sbb spnjg cuti aku,mmg depan tv,itu pun kalau ada orang nak bawak aku jalan2 ,mostly my boo la yg slalu bw jalan2..
hari ni maybe dia sibuk hai ni.. sms aku kasi pun dah dekat 3 jam baru nak reply..aku tak kisah pun,aku faham..
>>smlm dia terasa pulak yg aku asik tulis fasal si Muhd tu dlm blog ni..ahahaha.. nasi baik dia faham..bukan aper,aku xnak lah ada masalah pasal benda yg remeh2 ni.. pasal muhd tu pun aku dah x ambil pusing sgt..lantok dia lah.. aku pun ada hak jugak nak depend diri aku..
>>akak aku amik mC hari ni..asik tido je dari td.. membongkang jer..tapi skinny jugak badan dia.
Bosan gle hari ni..ok chow!
>>sekarang kitorang tgh melepak kat hall,tgk CSI..mmg la bosan bg aku sbb spnjg cuti aku,mmg depan tv,itu pun kalau ada orang nak bawak aku jalan2 ,mostly my boo la yg slalu bw jalan2..
hari ni maybe dia sibuk hai ni.. sms aku kasi pun dah dekat 3 jam baru nak reply..aku tak kisah pun,aku faham..
>>smlm dia terasa pulak yg aku asik tulis fasal si Muhd tu dlm blog ni..ahahaha.. nasi baik dia faham..bukan aper,aku xnak lah ada masalah pasal benda yg remeh2 ni.. pasal muhd tu pun aku dah x ambil pusing sgt..lantok dia lah.. aku pun ada hak jugak nak depend diri aku..
>>akak aku amik mC hari ni..asik tido je dari td.. membongkang jer..tapi skinny jugak badan dia.
Bosan gle hari ni..ok chow!
04 May 2008
mmg fuck!

first thing aku harap Mr.muhd baca blog ni..
1st-i'm so sorry about everything..u mmbuatkan i dah kenal u lecturer y mcmana. untuk pengetahuan u.. kita ada buat janji bhw kita adalah kawan sahaja. Even u sendiri yg still call i nak jumpa sgt,so what the f***! Then, now why u treat me like this? sepanjang cuti ni..for god sake,i tak tlintas nak call or sms u lgsung! Kenapa tiba2 ur wife serang i btubi2? I call u 1 may hari tu pun just nak tanya knp dgn u..? And kalau u ada masalah sgt dgn wife u..tak payah sampai nak jatuhkan i mcm ni. U boleh cari pluang untuk cerita dgn i apa yg dah blaku. Kita boleh slow talk about this..kalau benar u mmg dah rasa bdosa sgt dgn ur wife. Jgn la jadi orang bodoh dengan membodohkan diri sendiri.. kalau u boleh buat i jatuh.. even i boleh buat u seribu kali jatuh!! I mmg tak sangka yg u sengaja nak jatuhkan maruah i mcm ni. I dah banyak kali bg tau u, yg i dah ambil kputusan yg i x nak ada apa2 dgn u. Then u yg sibuk tanya i, samada i sure atau tak. Of course lah dah i yg wat decision. I nak jumpa u face 2 face lah kalau u bukan bacul sgt! i nak slow talk dgn u! I nak tau kenapa u lakukan ni pada i. Ingat! u tak boleh suka2 nak terminate i kuar dari kampus. I punyalah trust u,then u buat i mcm ni. I salahkan u 100%! U nak i aib kan diri u pada student2 and lecturer2 kat unisel? Kalau u nak i keluar dari kampus??'s okay..never mind.. i boleh keluar..tapi i pun nak u deserve..and feel the pain!! How dare u do this to me! Kalau u mmg nak settle benda ni..i nak u jumpa i and slow talk settle habis benda ni without getting any pressure from somebody. So..see you soon!!!!!!!!!
Song by Jordin Spark with Chris Brown-No air
i would like to dedicate this song to someone that he didn't know that i love him so much..
No Air
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
If I should die before I wake
It's cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh
I’m here alone, didn’t wanna leave
My heart won’t move, it’s incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand
But how..
Do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here, I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air
I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew,
Right off the ground to flow to you
There’s no gravity to hold me down, for real
But somehow I’m still alive inside
You took my breath but I survived
I don’t know how but I don’t even care
So how do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air
No more
No air
There's no air, no air
Hey, oOoOo
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
(Do you expect me, to live alone with just me
Cause my world revolves around you, It's so hard for me to breathe)
Tell me how I'm supposed to breath with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air,
No air..
No Air
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
If I should die before I wake
It's cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh
I’m here alone, didn’t wanna leave
My heart won’t move, it’s incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand
But how..
Do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here, I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air
I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew,
Right off the ground to flow to you
There’s no gravity to hold me down, for real
But somehow I’m still alive inside
You took my breath but I survived
I don’t know how but I don’t even care
So how do you expect me, to live alone with just me?
‘Cause my world revolves around you
It’s so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air, No air air
No more
No air
There's no air, no air
Hey, oOoOo
Tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air?
Can’t live, can’t breathe with no air
That’s how I feel whenever you ain’t there
There’s no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gon be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
(Do you expect me, to live alone with just me
Cause my world revolves around you, It's so hard for me to breathe)
Tell me how I'm supposed to breath with no air?
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
That's how I feel whenever you ain't there
There's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me?
If you ain’t here I just can’t breathe
There’s no air, no air
No air air, No air air
No air air,
No air..
03 May 2008
malam kat cendana..

boring gak malam ni.. bteman kan cousin aku si sidek ngan abg aku. Along gi naik Star Cruise kat port Klang..honey moon yg x sudah2.. aku lak tak tau bila nak abis blaja dan tamatkan zaman solo aku..huhuhu berangan arr aku nih.. Anyway,nak story sket,malam hari tu aku gi arr makan kat uptown kat restaurant thailand best. Skali meja depan aku ada Danny bekas band X-factor ngan member2 dia..pastu lepas order meal aku ngan my boo,aku toleh kat meja yg sebelah,ada pulak Sharifah Aleya ngan husband dia.. Hampeh hampeh boto arr... bukan aper,aku tak nak nanti aku pandang diorang then derang jadi blagak plak!
Itu cerita haie tu.. semalam aku gaduh ngan my boo lepas lunch kat pizza hut(**dalam gambar be4 gaduh..), then dgn bengang nyer..aku pun patahkan simkad maxis aku.. haha aku mmg sengal..
Hari ni kemas umah then prepared lunch for my siblings.. Petang baru kuar gi titiwangsa mlepak makan rojak buah kat ctu,dah tu gi wangsa maju makan tomyam sedap.. Then balik Sampai sekarang melekat depan tV..lepas tgk DVD,terus tgk Akademi Fantasia.. haha esok tgh plan,tak tawak wat aper dah..
**what happened to Mr.Muhd rite now? maybe he's tryin' to forget about me.. no commen..
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